Raport: The distribution network of sales of spare parts Czech Republic – truck segment

7 sierpnia 2012, 15:27

Analysis presents the distribution of sales of spare parts Czech Republic – truck segment. The analysis provides information on the number of branches of distributors in various regions and districts, the number of service centers, people and cars on each branch.


1.  Distributors in the Czech Republic

1.1 Distributors of car spare parts – truck focus
1.2 Distributors of car spare parts – personal cars and truck focus

2. Distribution Network in the Czech Republic

2.1 Distributors and their branches by region
2.2 Distributors and their branches by region – truck focus
2.3 Distributor branches by region – truck and personal cars focus
2.4 Distributor branches by region – all distributors
2.5 Distributor branches by region by district

3. Fleet in the Czech Republic

3.1 Fleet Size
3.2 Truck Fleet  by region

4. Market distributors in the Czech Republic

4.1 Distributors and truckfleet by region
4.2 Distributors and number of truck service stations by region
4.3 Distributors and number of  truck services by district
4.4 Distributors and number of carriers by region

5. Truck service stations and carriers in the Czech Republic

5.1 Truck service stations and carriers in the Czech Republic by region
5.2 Independent truck service stations  and carriers in ČR by region
5.3 Independent truck service station by district
5.4 Carriers by region
5.5 Carriers by district
5.6 Authorized truck service stations by region and car brand
5.7 Authorized truck service stations  by region
5.8 Authorized truck service stations  by district
5.9 Truck service stations and fleet by region

6. Summary of development of the truck spare parts market in 2010

6.1  TOP8 distributor revenues in CZK
6.2  TOP8 distributor revenues in EUR
6.3  Dynamics of total sales from 2005 to 2010
6.4  Estimated distributors share 2010

Jeśli będą mieli państwo jakiekolwiek pytania dotyczące raportu prosimy o kontakt:

Alfred Franke | Dyrektor ds. badań rynku
tel: +48 22 773 87 75

Opublikowane przez: Redakcja


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