Suspension and Steering Systems Components, Rubber-to-Metal Parts for Passenger Cars in Poland

21 sierpnia 2006, 0:00

This report has been prepared for the manufacturers and distributors of suspension, steering parts and metal- rubber elements. The research concerns shops and workshops in automotive branch all over Poland; all causes of non-objective voting were eliminated.
Report include 24 tables and 12 graphs perfectly expressing many aspects of this market. Of course enclosed are comments indicating most important elements.
The research contains many “cross-opinions” which means opinions influenced by different criteria. There is an additional possibility of improving this research with more “cross-opinions”.
You can order it in an English version. The price of a single License for „Suspension and Steering Systems Components, Rubber-to-Metal Parts for Passenger Cars in Poland” report is 1200 EUR. If you are interested in purchasing of this report, please e-mail us on If you need some additional information, please call: +48 22 489-72-21



1. General
1.1. Disclaimer
1.2. Terminology

2. Sample structure
2.1. Classification by company type
2.2. Classification by company type – all together

2.3. Classification by company type with breakdown into garages and retail stores

3. Contribution of rubber-to-metal parts in repair and purchase of the steering and suspension parts

4. Recommended steering and suspension brands
4.1. Steering and suspension brands most often recommended by the representatives of garages and retails stores – single indication
4.2. Steering and suspension brands most often recommended by the representatives of garages and retails stores – triple indication

5. Most often recommended brands of rubber-to-metal parts
5.1. Brands of rubber-to-metal parts most often recommended by the representatives of garages and retail stores – single indication

5.2. Brands of rubber-to-metal parts most often recommended by the representatives of garages and retail stores – single indication

6. Share of recommended brands in the total sales of the suspension components
6.1. Share of recommended brands in the total sales of the suspension components
6.2. Share of recommended brands in the total sales of the suspension components in the opinion of representatives of garages and retail stores

7. Image of the manufacturers of steering, suspension and rubber-to-metal parts: strengths and weaknesses
7.1. Evaluation of the most important suspension brands in various categories
7.2. Evaluation of the most important rubber-to-metal brands in various categories

8. Reasons of quality claims for recommended suspension and rubber-to-metal parts

8.1. Most frequent reasons of quality claims for recommended suspension and rubber-to-metal parts – all together, single indication
8.2. Most frequent reasons of quality claims for recommended suspension and rubber-to-metal parts – garages and retail stores, single indication
8.3. Most frequent reasons of quality claims for recommended suspension and rubber-to-metal brands – all together, single indication
8.4. Most frequent reasons of quality claims for recommended suspension and rubber-to-metal brands – all together, triple indication

9. Renewed suspension repairs

9.1. Time to next suspension repair
9.2. Time to next suspension repair by garages and retail stores
9.3. Time to next repair by recommended brand *

10. Trends observed in the steering and suspension market
10.1. Sales trends in the steering and suspension market – all together
10.2. Sales trends in the steering and suspension market by garages and retail stores
10.3. Trends in the steering and suspension market in terms of the installation and sale of parts – all together

10.4. Trends in the steering and suspension market in terms of the installation and sale of parts – by garages and retail stores

11. Share of engine mounts in the total sales of rubber-to-metal parts


* Detailed information available only to the manufacturers of given brands.


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