Raport: Wholesale suppliers of car spare parts in the Czech Republic

7 sierpnia 2012, 15:48

Raport porusza tematykę systemu dystrybucji części zamiennych w Czechach. W opracowaniu znajdują się informację min. dotyczące takich kwestii jak system dystrybucji, dystrybucja towarów według regionów, źródła zakupów części przez dystrybutorów w Czechach, funkcjonowanie hurtowni motoryzacyjnych.

MotoFocus provides you an analysis of wholesalers of car spare parts in the Czech Republic. The first part of this analysis maps out how the operation
of wholesalers are running, who are their suppliers , how they purchase spare parts, what services they offer to their customers and what they face in their activities.

The information provided in the analysis will be needed and can help in planning sales activities of companies selling and producing car spare parts.

The second part analyzes a number of wholesalers in the regions and districts.


1. Structure of respondents

1.1  Structure of respondents by age

1.2 Structure of respondent according type of business

1.3 Structure of  respondent by region

1.4 Structure of respondents by size of municipality

Part 1 – Wholesellers vision of wholesale

1. Number of employees in wholesale

2. Number of suppliers of wholesale

3. Wholesale distribution of goods

3.1 Delivery of goods – radius in km
3.2 No. Of deliveries per day
3.3 Night deliveries by wholesalers
3.4 Number of delivery routes

4. How does the workshop purchase

5. Where wholesale purchases goods

5.1 Type of supllier

5.2 Wholesale purchases abroad

5.3 Purchases abroad – countries

6. Car spare parts and wholesaleLE

6.1 What parts does wholesaler purchase per its customer
6.2 Product groups of sold parts

7. Type of threats of wholesale

8. How does wholesale deal with complaints

9. Return goods by customer

10. Number of sales representatives

11. Number of branches-wholesalers

12. Evaluation from 2005 to 2010 by wholesalers

Part 2 – Wholesale by region and districts

1. Wholesalers by region

2. Wholesalers by districts

3. Wholesalers and number of workshops by region

Evaluation of first part

Evaluation of second part

Supplement, contact


Więcej szczegółów w załączonej broszurze. Jeśli będą mieli państwo jakiekolwiek pytania dotyczące raportu prosimy o kontakt:

Alfred Franke | Dyrektor ds. badań rynku
tel: +48 22 773 87 75




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